CIFFCO: at the forefront of rail training

CIFFCO (Centre International de Formation Ferroviaire de la Côte d'Opale) is the Group's training organisation. 1er private training organisation approved by the EPSF to provide train driver training and training in essential safety tasks, it is recognised nationally by the railway operators. CIFFCO helps the Group's operational staff to implement their training plan.
train drivers trained each year
days of training provided in 2023
CIFFCO obtains the QUALIOPI National Quality Standard (RNQ) from AFNOR
CIFFCO was certified QUALIOPI in 2022 (quality certification of training organisations) by AFNOR for the provision of training and validation of prior learning. The QUALIOPI National Quality Reference System (RNQ) aims to improve the quality of the services provided by training organisations and to standardise the assessment criteria. This certification recognises the quality of the services offered by CIFFCO. This certification is established for a period of three years.