2021 General Meeting

The Combined General Meeting of Getlink SE was held on Wednesday 28 April 2021 at 10:00 am (CET).
- In accordance with Article 4 of Order No. 2020-321 of 25 March 2020, extended by Decree No. 2021-255 of 9 March 2021 and issued pursuant to the authorisation granted by the emergency law No. 2020-290 of 23 March 2020 as amended dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic the Combined General Meeting of Getlink SE of 28 April 2021, convened at Studio Company Webcast, 75009 Paris, will be held on the decision of the Board of Directors without the shareholders and other persons entitled to attend being present in person.
- In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Company may have to modify the ways of taking part in the General Meeting to be held on 28 April 2021. You are therefore invited to regularly consult this page dedicated to the General Meeting, which may be updated to specify the definitive ways of taking part in this General Meeting according to health, regulatory and/or legal requirements.
- The General Meeting will be broadcast live and recorded on the Company’s website getlinkgroup.com in the Shareholders and Investors – General Meeting 2021 section.
- The Company has taken all measures to facilitate remote voting so that shareholders can also cast their vote without physically attending the General Meeting including by remote voting means (postal voting or proxy) or by internet on the secure voting platform VOTACCESS.
- As part of the relationship between the Company and its shareholders, the Company strongly encourages shareholders to send all requests and documents electronically to the following email address: AG2021@getlinkgroup.com.
Broadcast of the General Meeting and results
- Getlink Combined General Meeting – 28 April 2021 – Press release published on 28 April 2021 at 01:00 p.m.
- Recorded video broadcast of the General Meeting
- Presentations made to the AGM including the voting results on resolutions
- Answers to the written questions to the Board of Directors
- Detailed table of the voting results on resolutions
Notice of Meeting
- Notice of Meeting of Getlink SE
- Message from the Chairman on the combined General Meeting of Getlink SE
- Notice of Meeting published in the French Gazette (Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires – BALO), notice n°2100829, bulletin n°42 of 7 April 2021 (French version)
Additional information
- User guide for internet voting
- How to ask a question at the Combined General Meeting of Getlink SE to be held on 28 April 2021
- How to vote at the 2021 Combined General Meeting of Getlink SE
- Letter to shareholders Getlink & You – AGM special edition – 14 April 2021
Preliminary Notice of Meeting
Other preparatory documents
- Getlink: General meeting on 28 April 2021 to take place behind closed doors, resumption of dividend policy – Press release published on 7 April 2021 at 4:45 p.m.
- Information relating to the total number of ordinary shares and voting rights as at the date of the notice referred to under article R.225-73 of the French commercial code
- Report of the Statutory Auditors on free allocation of existing shares (resolution 18)
- Report of the Statutory Auditors on a free allocation of shares, existing or to be issued (resolution 19)
- Report of the Statutory Auditors on the issue of shares and securities with maintenance and/or cancellation of the preferential subscription right (resolutions 21, 22 and 23)
- Report of the Statutory Auditors on the reduction of share capital by cancellation of treasury shares (resolution 24)
- Report of the Statutory Auditors on the share capital increase reserved to employees signed up to a Company savings plan (resolution 25)
- Report of the Board of Directors to the General Meeting
- Getlink’s 2020 Universal Registration Document made available
- 2020 Universal Registration Document filed with the French Financial Market Authority (AMF) on 17 March 2021.
– Statutory and consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2020
– Management report (including the non-financial performance statement)
– Report on corporate governance
– Report and special report of the Statutory Auditors
Getlink’s email addresses dedicated to this Meeting:
- For any questions relating to the conditions and ways of taking part in this Meeting, Getlink has made available to its shareholders an email address dedicated to the 2021 General Meeting: AG2021@getlinkgroup.com
- To send written questions, you may ask them no later than the end of the second business day preceding the date of the General Meeting, i.e. 26 April 2021 to the following address PresidentGET@getlinkgroup.com. These written questions must be accompanied by a certificate of registration in a securities account.