Getlink share

Find all detailed data on the Getlink share, its listing and trading platforms and inclusion in the main stock market indices.
GET share data
- ISIN Code
FR0010533075 - Ticker
GET - Listing date
2 July 2007 - Stock market
Euronext Paris (Eurolist compartment A) - Trading platform
Euronext Paris - French share savings plan (PEA) status
Eligible - PEA-PME approach for ETI quoted on Euronext
Eligible - Main stock market indices
CAC Next 20
SBF 120
FTSE All-World
FTSE Medium Cap
DJ Stoxx 600
Next 150
MSCI World Index
MSCI Europe
Low Carbon 100 Europe - Business sector
Industrial transportation - Share capital of Getlink SE
Divided into 550,000,000 ordinary shares of a nominal value of €0.40.
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