Corporate Social Responsibility

Creator of a vital link that brings people, business and cultures together, a major contributor to mobility, rooted in its local communities, a leader in eco-friendly transport from the outset, Getlink integrates social, environmental and corporate responsibility at the heart of its strategy.
Strategy: acting as a corporate citizen
The Getlink’s approach to CSR reflects its commitment to sustainable growth for the Group but also for all the stakeholders comprised in its value chain: customers, employees, suppliers, shareholders, community, etc. The stakeholder dialogue and the monitoring and reporting process set by the Group demonstrates its commitment, its transparency and its ambition to set exemplary standards in these fields.
The defined policy covers 3 main areas:
- Minimise the impact of our activities on the environment
- Reduce our carbon footprint
- Contribute to the fight against climate change
- Preserve natural resources
- Protect and increase biodiversity
- Limit and make effective use of waste
- Control disturbance from operating activities.
- Continuously improve working conditions
- Develop staff employability
- Promote constructive social dialogue
- Encourage diversity and equal opportunities
- Identify and nurture talent
- Facilitate employment and integration of workers with disabilities.
- Contribute to regional economic development, continuously strengthen risk prevention, ensure maximum standards of safety and security
- Build lasting relationships with all stakeholders (shareholders, customers, subcontractors, suppliers, etc)
- Act as an inclusive, public-minded company
- Provide support to local communities
- Encourage research, innovation and the sharing of expertise
- Participate in the development of culture and heritage.
A responsible Group, always in action
Even before the emergence of the concept of CSR, Getlink advocated the creation of wealth for all in tandem with environmental responsibility. The CSR action plan is deployed in accordance with best practice and draws on regular results, assessments and analyses to integrate future challenges and opportunities for innovation.
Anchored in the development strategy of the Group’s overall performance, this commitment is is further enhanced through concrete and quantifiable measures, reported in a wholly transparent way. On a daily basis, all Getlink’s subsidiaries carry out their commitments and actions in accordance with the principles and values shared by the 3,500 employees of the Group, in the United Kingdom, France and internationally.
An ambition of exemplarity
- Best practice in governance
- Economic responsibility for long term profitability
- Respect for human rights
- Code of ethics and compliance
- Anti-corruption policy
- Strict and responsible purchasing policy.
SRI index
Getlink’s extra-financial (or CSR) performance is regularly assessed by the main global rating agencies. Thanks to the various SRI index (Socially Responsible Investment) and in addition to financial ratings, investors can easily understand the overall performance of companies.
Getlink has been part of such reference index for over 10 years.
Getlink’s recent ratings:
- CDP “A“ , December 2024
- S&P CSA 59/100, up 7 points compared to 2020
- MSCI “AA”, stable performance in 2023
- ISS-ESG “B-“, stable performance in 2023
- Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating of 9.6, with a lower ESG risk than in 2022
- Confirmation in the FTSE4Good* index – June 2023
- Confirmation in the Euronext Low Carbon 100 index – 2023
* FTSE Russell (the trading name of FTSE International Limited and Frank Russell Company) confirms that Getlink has been independently assessed according to the FTSE4Good criteria, and has satisfied the requirements to become a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series. Created by the global index provider FTSE Russell, the FTSE4Good Index Series is designed to measure the performance of companies demonstrating strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices. The FTSE4Good indices are used by a wide variety of market participants to create and assess responsible investment funds and other products.”
To find out more
Environmental responsibility
Leader in eco-responsible transport, Getlink provides unique and innovative mobility transport and infrastructure solutions.
Social responsibility
Getlink has created a working environment that encourages the growth and development of each employee.
Corporate responsibility
As a committed partner, Getlink contributes significantly and sustainably to the social and economic development of its local regions.