Societal strategy
As the creator of a vital link that brings people, businesses and cultures together, and a major player in low carbon mobility rooted in the areas in which it operates, Getlink has been supporting local social and economic development since the launch of its operations. The Group also strives for a positive impact throughout its value chain, from its suppliers to its customers.
Striving for a positive impact throughout our value chain
Mindful of its impact on the entire value chain from its suppliers to its customers, Getlink is consolidating its service offering and its purchasing policy so that they incorporate more environmental, social and societal criteria.
Extend the secure Tunnel reception area to all new engine types
Getlink has launched a programme of work to ensure the acceptability of future engine types (for example, hydrogen) when developed by its freight and passenger customers.

Offering an optimal service to our customers who have chosen to decarbonise their journeys
Since 2015, Getlink has been providing customers travelling in electric cars with universal recharging facilities at the Eurotunnel terminals. Additional charging points have been installed in both UK and FR terminals.
Implementing a responsible purchasing policy
Our purchasing procedure currently takes into account Getlink’s generic CSR requirements as well as the objectives of our 2025 Environment Plan: energy efficiency, decarbonisation, resource conservation and waste management. Its ultimate aim is to incorporate all the quantitative objectives of the Group’s CSR policy. Annual reporting on the contribution of purchasing to the achievement of our CSR objectives is an integral part of this procedure.
Supporting our local communities
As the creator of a vital link that brings people, businesses and cultures together, and a major player in low-carbon mobility rooted in the areas in which it operates, Getlink has been supporting local social and economic development since the launch of its operations.
Here are just a few examples of actions carried out in our six areas of expertise
- Regional economic development
More than 8,000 The number of direct and indirect jobs estimated to have been created since the Tunnel came into service.
59% The proportion of recruitment carried out locally by the Group in 2022. - Protecting the environment
Partnership since 2021 with the Conservatoire des Espaces Naturels des Hauts-de-France, to ensure the restoration, management and preservation of biodiversity on 31 hectares of land on the concession. - Solidarity
Several employment contracts signed between the Group and people supported by the Fondation Agir Contre l’Exclusion (FACE) in Calais. - Youth and education
As part of the SING’IN project, Eurotunnel is funding the formation of a choir from pupils in the Calais and Kent areas and having a symphony composed for Eurotunnel’s 30th anniversary in 2024. - Art, culture and heritage
Partnership with the Elham Valley Railway Museum in Newington to maintain and renovate the model of the Tunnel. - Railway science and academic partnerships
Partnership with the Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale in the form of student presentations, case studies and mock job interviews.

Ensuring everyone’s safety
The safety of Getlink’s customers, employees, subcontractors and other stakeholders is at the heart of its railway culture and is a cardinal principle that guides all the organisation’s actions. The Group aims to promote a continuous improvement approach in this area, in particular through the “Get Safer” programme.
“Get Safer”, a plan to enhance the Group’s safety culture
Getlink’s safety strategy aims to move from a system-centric safety organisation to a fully integrated safety organisation combining cultural, behavioural and systems excellence.
It is based on four pillars:
- Protecting people
- Protecting sites
- Working safely
- Making safe decisions
In 2023, 17 safety compliance assessments were carried out for Eurotunnel, in addition to the first 12 in 2022.
For Europorte, more than 30 internal audits within the meaning of ISO 19011 have been carried out in this area.

Here are just a few examples of the behaviour we want to encourage
- Report any near misses (Speak-up Policy) to help prevent incidents and accidents in the future.
- Encourage everyone in the workplace to talk about health and safety at work, to reduce risks, promote good practice and find solutions.
- Systematically provide the right tools and equipment for safe working
- Applying best practice in risk reduction.
of recruitment carried out locally by the Group in 2023
of Eurotunnel purchases made locally in 2023
universal charging points deployed by 2023 on our terminals